Sunday, November 12, 2023

WeWriWar 394: Sun Kiss 17

Hello everybody! 

Welcome to a new Sunday of writing with Weekend Writing Warrior and Snippet Sunday

You can find the snippet from the other participants in the blog hops in the Snippet Sunday facebook group and on the  Weekend Writing Warrior's blog.


We're going back to Sun Kiss where we left off last time. Sun Kiss is a story about a girl who had a vampire crashing into her window and the story that follows: 


Jane wondered what it would be like to be with someone not because you fell in love with the best person around but just because there was nobody else to fall in love with. 

What was going on between Dylan and Daciana looked a bit like a thrown on a desert island situation.

How long before you start loving each other if it's just the two of you, no matter how gross the other person is? Not that Dylan was gross or anything, he was probably ok except for the fact he drunk blood; Daciana did that too so she couldn't complain about that. 

But he was so old, like he was six hundred years older than her. Jane didn't know what she would do with a guy six years older than her, like what would they have in common? Would he be trying to control her because he would be older and much wiser, because he would know a lot more about life than she did. 

Six hundred years, they could have nothing in common, all Daciana had ever seen was this house and this city while Dylan had lived a thousand life of adventure all over the world. Things were different back then, vampire had to move around a bit more, they couldn't stay too long in one place unless they owned it because with all the superstitions, there were always people hunting the vampires, trying to kill them, exterminate the one predator to the human race. 


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  1. She has a point about them having nothing in common. A six hundred year old age difference could be something you just can't get past. Hopefully he's got enough experience to be able to teach her something about the world she'll be willing to listen to and enjoy. Tweeted

    1. Daciana doesn't really listen to anyone. That's probably why he likes her.

  2. That's the one sticking point I've always had with virginal young heroines and centuries old vamps. What would they possibly have in common - except maybe a blood type.

    1. Right! It gets to me every single time. And I know one of the justification is that vampires' maturity level stay stuck at the age of their transformation but there are still all those memories that nobody is talking about.

  3. My marriage was a bit like this. Not that my ex-husband is a 600 year old vampire, but we got married because we had a bit of common ground and figured we wouldn’t do any better, not because we were in love. It isn’t a good basis for a romantic relationship.

    1. It looks like you figured it out now. Are you sure your ex wasn't a 600 year old vampire though? Sometimes it's really hard to tell. ;)
