Sunday, November 5, 2023

WeWriWar 393: Sun Kiss 16

Hello everybody! 

Welcome to a new Sunday of writing with Weekend Writing Warrior and Snippet Sunday

You can find the snippet from the other participants in the blog hops in the Snippet Sunday facebook group and on the  Weekend Writing Warrior's blog. 

We're going back to Sun Kiss where we left off last time. Sun Kiss is a story about a girl who had a vampire crashing into her window and the story that follows: 


Some humans liked it apparently but she couldn't see the appeal: Instant massive blood loss, with all the associated risk to your organs and anemia and imagine if you didn't get enough blood to feed your brain oxygen, you could get brain damaged too. This was a terrible idea, even if that was so that they could be transformed. That meant she would have to drink blood, then there was no guaranty that it would work and you might be dead with your last meal being blood. Just the thought of it made her retch and she felt her latest mouthful of tea coming back up her esophagus. 


Dylan passed his arms around Daciana as she tried to get closer to the vampire. He didn’t want Viorel to ruin all her fun by having her go back to her bedroom. He was protective but at the same time had a tendency to let her do whatever she wanted. It was difficult to know if they were a couple or if he was behaving like an older brother, not that it seemed to matter to Daciana. 


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