Sunday, October 29, 2023

WeWriWar 392: Sun Kiss 15

Hello everybody! 

Welcome to a new Sunday of writing with Weekend Writing Warrior and Snippet Sunday

You can find the snippet from the other participants in the blog hops in the Snippet Sunday facebook group and on the  Weekend Writing Warrior's blog. 

This is the last weekend of November. Are you guys going to participate in NaNoWriMo this year? I'm planning on starting a new novel with some characters from Demon Soul as the leads. It should be demons, betrayal, romance, and a bit of science fiction, the title is Clones. Unless I change my mind at the last minute and pick something else of course. 

We're going back to Sun Kiss where we left off last time. Sun Kiss is a story about a girl who had a vampire crashing into her window and the story that follows: 

“That’s why we can’t keep him here. He can’t be sealed in this state and he would be too dangerous for the humans,” Viorel answered.

“It would be really fun to watch him transform them all,” Daciana continued.

“Hard pass,” Jane thought.

The idea of someone drinking blood repulsed her, she really hated being in the kitchen when the vampire came for a snack and put their mugs filled with blood in the microwave. She didn't understand why they couldn't have a microwave in Viorel's lab, they had about everything else. It was also grossing her out to open the fridge when they had refilled their area with fresh blood. Some of it was synthetic but some of it was real, though there wasn't any specific labels on the bag to say which was which, not that she cared to look. The thought of being bitten by a human looking creature and fed on was horrifying enough, she didn't want to think about being forced to bite back. 


You can read all the free snippets of Sun Kiss here.

You can find all my other novels free snippets here.

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  1. I love the 'Hard Pass' bit. She's not keen at all.

  2. I think she's in for some more unpleasant experiences... hopefully the rewards will outweigh the downside!

  3. I like that they use the microwave. That's the kind of thing I love in vampire stories. Makes it feel real. Enjoyed this excerpt!

  4. Yes, i agree with Jane wholeheartedly!

  5. Mugs filled with blood. Well, that's appetizing!
    I'm planning to create two short novellas and fill in with poetry for this year's NaNoHellMo.
