Wednesday, October 18, 2023

Wednesday Snippet 397: Fairy World 38

Welcome back to Wednesday Snippet. This week, we continue with Fairy World unedited just where we left off last week

They had all bowed to Kallisto when she had grown her wings. Then just like that, they had all bowed to her when Kallisto had given her the power. 

When the stars had disappeared few days later and she and Kordelius had been unable to find answers. His mother had unexpectedly recover and she had blamed it on Amarelis, telling that she wasn't suitable to be a queen and that she could fix the stars. They had all believed her, her people had believed the white queen who had reigned over them for more than 200 years because that was the easy thing to do. Amarelis herself had believed her. 

The queen had said that they would work together and Amarelis had been locked up here since, to do the paper work. She had no idea what Kordelius was doing and she had been forbidden to see Cilydd. 

How? Why did she accept that? Was she really that weak? Kallisto had been crying non stop but at least she had made her choice. 


She heard the key turned in the lock and she tensed. It was time to get out of here and take back what was rightfully hers... Somehow.

"Here my queen!" the first one said entering.

You can now find all the Snippets of Fairy World on this blog right here.

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