Tuesday, October 10, 2023

Tuesday Travel 192: Witch Raising: The Book of Earth 39

Welcome to Tuesday Travel. This week we are following Brownie on her journey as she is going toward the second element: Earth.

 About Witch Raising.

Witch Raising is a new series with Brownie, the heroine of Demon Soul as the main character. This series is part of the House at the Crossing Series and follows Demon Soul and Demon and Fairy but instead of being centered on the adventure of Sahel and his demon friends, it follows Brownie as she goes from being a normal girl to a bad ass witch. She has been practicing magick for a while now, saving people from difficult situations but the people at the house, including Sahel aren't happy with her new calling. Feeling that she doesn't have a choice and has to keep learning witchcraft, Brownie leaves to meet other witches.

The excerpt starts right where we left off last week.

She had three wagons to cross toward the head of the train to get to the wagon restaurant. She had no idea what was on the menu. The most she could think of was that at least they were meant to have sandwiches but it didn't matter much. She was so hungry she could eat anything

The restaurant was not what she had expected at all but after all, this train wasn't the same as the one she had been riding when she left home. She thought she was going to get one of this modern counter with some food wagon that were supposed to move around but never did, with only snacks. Instead, the wagon restaurant was more like the rest of the train. It had that long trip, old fashion feel to it. There were tables with four seats each on each side of the center corridor, they all had table clothes and even vases with flowers in them. Heavy red curtains hung at the train's window. There was no food counter like she had expected.

People looked at her when she entered and Brownie felt strangely out of place. She would have doubled back if it wasn't for a waiter dressed in black with a white apron at the front and a towel on his arm calling for her. Brownie left like she had just traveled back in time or reached a very rich side of society. All in all, she didn't feel like she belonged here, though most of the passengers where dressed just like her and didn't seem too fresh either from the long hours on the train.

“Miss,” the waiter said. “Please have a seat, are you joining company or do you like a table for yourself?”

“I don't know anyone,” Brownie said.

You can now find all the Snippets of Witch Raising: The Book of Earth on this blog right here.


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