Wednesday, September 20, 2023

Wednesday Snippet 393: Fairy World 34

Welcome back to Wednesday Snippet. This week, we continue with Fairy World unedited just where we left off last week.  

She still had problems to understand how she had been thrown in the middle of this all and how Kalisto had given up this world so easily. Because she was in love, she reminded herself, because she thought I would take good care of it and now, I'm locked underground and I didn't even know that magic was gone. Did the human even told her the truth or was it just a ruse to get out of here? She probably had been sent here for a reason by Kordelius's mother. This was too much to take on.

"What can I do for you my queen?"

Amarelis jerked. That was it, the sound in the pipe next to the cord. The voice seemed to come from far away. Amarelis took the speaker.

"Can I have some tea please?" She asked, "And some cake too, I feel a little hungry."

"It's too early for tea don't you think?" said the far away voice.

She was the queen, how dared they discuss her order.

"I have a guest with me, she seems hungry too, don't forget to bring two cups," Amarelis said. "Do you use sugar, or milk?" She asked for Deborah.

The human girl was surprised by the question.

"Sugar?" She guessed.

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