Tuesday, September 19, 2023

Tuesday Travel 189: Witch Raising: The Book of Earth 36

Welcome to Tuesday Travel. This week we are following Brownie on her journey as she is going toward the second element: Earth.


About Witch Raising.

Witch Raising is a new series with Brownie, the heroine of Demon Soul as the main character. This series is part of the House at the Crossing Series and follows Demon Soul and Demon and Fairy but instead of being centered on the adventure of Sahel and his demon friends, it follows Brownie as she goes from being a normal girl to a bad ass witch. She has been practicing magick for a while now, saving people from difficult situations but the people at the house, including Sahel aren't happy with her new calling. Feeling that she doesn't have a choice and has to keep learning witchcraft, Brownie leaves to meet other witches. 
The excerpt, we start right where we left off last time.


Brownie hadn't notice how tall the other girl was until now, almost a full head above her but Brownie was staring right back up at her.

“I'm not a maniac, I didn't do it on purpose,” Daphy said.

One of her teeth was slightly in front of the other, it was a bit distracting when being in a staring contest.

“And I didn't ask for you to come here, I didn't ask for any of this either,” Brownie said. “Fact is on purpose or not, you could have killed me, and even more ridiculous, you're not even sorry about it. You didn't learn that casting spell on people without their consent is bad and you even call me a bitch for almost dying.”

“Yeah because you're a bitch,” Daphy said. “Instead of calmly explaining what was going on you just jumped at my throat.”

“I almost fucking die,” Brownie said.

“It was a fucking dream,” Daphy answered.



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