Thursday, September 20, 2018

Thursday Fiction 185: Parallel Slip

Welcome back to a new part of Parallel Slip, where we follow the adventures of Frederique through her slip in different parallel universes.

Let's start right where we left off last week.

My other self was a bit scared. I took a wooden bucket and filled it wait water and walked back to her place. Her mother was mad and I couldn't stop thinking that it was my fault. so I made an excuse and placed the potatoes she had pilled herself in the bucket and picked up her knife and did some more pilling myself. That seemed to satisfy her. Still I would have loved to communicate with my other self. With all the alien feelings coming toward me from them recently I was feeling more and more empathic toward them. I wasn't just jumping in their body to solve their problems anymore, I wanted to know them just like I wanted to know myself.

When I emerged from my black out, Amy wasn't in the room. I found it strange because she had been watching over me the all time the previous evening. And all her stuff was still here. I waited a bit before opening the door to go look for her.
"Why did you have to call them?"
She was yelling and Alex yelled back.

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