Thursday, August 23, 2018

Thursday Fiction 181: Parallel Slip

Welcome back to a new part of Parallel Slip, where we follow the adventures of Frederique through her slip in different parallel universes.

Let's start right where we left off last week.

Three hours later, as I yawned and turned a page ending chapter four of my first book. I had a pile in front of me. I couldn't stop reading yet, not until I was done but I was sure a cup of tea, a very strong one and some buttered toast would totally help me through it. Electromagnetism, was really boring.
"You're already up," Amy asked as I entered the common kitchen. It was deserted except for her and I yawned.
"I don't think I really slept at all," I said. "I've been reading since 3am and I need tea if I want to go through this."
I thought that I would also need to buy a boiler because I couldn't waste my time going to the kitchen every time I needed a refill, that you drive me nuts and be a total waste of time.
"So we lock ourselves up and go through it all," Amy said. "All weekend long."
"That's the plan."
That was the plan, that was totally how I intended to spend my time here. No tourist activities and certainly no party until I was done with this.
I heard Amy swallow.
"Having second thoughts?"

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