Thursday, August 16, 2018

Thursday Fiction 180: Parallel Slip

Welcome back to a new part of Parallel Slip, where we follow the adventures of Frederique through her slip in different parallel universes. 

Let's start right where we left off last week.

Of course, the cleaning had already started, there were so many workers in the room that I didn't know how they could actually work and all the evidence of the sabotage had probably be tempered with. I squatted near a pilled of ashes and burned plastic looking for something without knowing what.
"I can take over now," said a voice in my head.
I looked around not sure if I was hearing clearly, if someone was their or if I was imagining it. But my vision blurb before I could really react. I opened my eyes to see the light of the cars from the nearby road cast on the ceiling of my room through the holes around the curtains. I was back and somehow it felt like Michelle had just thrown me away out of her body. I shook my head and closed my eyes a second to make sure I wasn't dreaming.
I heard that voice, I was sure of it. I stood up and went to the desk to take my notebook. There was a lot I had to write. Questions without answer and any small attempt to answer anything leaded to more questions. I thought about calling my dad but I happened slept and it was three in the morning. I wasn't feeling tired but he would probably freak out having a call so late, early. I didn't know what to do. So I decided to stop looking for answers. That might seem very strange but there are moment in life when you have to stop fighting and just go with the flow and the flow right now was to do what I had to do in this world. I opened my first book on electromagnetism and started reading. Though I couldn't help my mind from going back to the spaceship second machine room. What was Michelle finding there while I was here reading. Why did I get into her body and was she really the one talking to me? I needed to talk to my dad and I had the feeling that this time any version would do.

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