Thursday, August 9, 2018

Thursday Fiction 179: Parallel Slip

Welcome back to a new part of Parallel Slip, where we follow the adventures of Frederique through her slip in different parallel universes.

Let's start right where we left off last week.

"Now!" I said.
I couldn't bear with people defying my authority. Seriously, was it because I was young? What is because I was a woman? Was it because I sometimes didn't move like the real captain version of me? I had no idea but I was going to do some serious clean up on this ship.
"And you better make sure to follow my orders to the letter if you don't want to be replaced as soon as we reach Antares."
They took Tucker away.
"Captain, that wasn't a wise move," Clara said.
She looked scared. I was scared too. It could have seemed that I was here because I was the one with nothing to lose so I could take the rash decisions but that was not true. This universe was the only one with another person who could do what I could do and travel to other universe. I couldn't risk talking to my dad about those things. I had seen it the last time. He could go back to being just my dad anytime instead of being the traveling occupant to his body. The thing was. If they killed Michelle in this universe, I would never learn anything about myself because I would never be able to come back.
"We have been careful too long and this is the result," I said showing off the room.
"You don't think..."
"It was sabotage and I'll prove it," I said looking around.

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