Tuesday, August 21, 2018

Making an Isul centaur body + accessories! (with video)

In an attempt at finishing all my numerous projects and working on a lot of ideas, I created a "to do jar". The concept is simple: In the jar, I put some tasks, new projects, ideas to work on, unfinished things, work outs, things I’m learning, things I have been avoiding... 
This way every day I’ll pic a random project to work on. If at the end of the day the project isn’t completed, I’ll put the paper back in, otherwise, I’ll throw it away. I don’t know if that’s going to help but at least it gives a chance for the ideas/projects I never have time to work on to come out of the lot once in a while. 

Today, I picked the first project to work on and it's the Isul centaur costume project as I wanted to make a centaur of my Isul MIO kit which has been around waiting for ever. So in this video, I'm vloging the process of making the centaur's body, from going to buy the supplies to adding all the accessories.

Here is the video


And here are some pictures


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