Wednesday, July 18, 2018

Wednesday Snippet 179: Blue Angel

Welcome to a new part of Blue Angel unedited, we start right where we left off last time.

Torsti was the first to wake up. He didn't like climbing trees much so he had been sleeping on the floor again and his clothes were wet with dew. He sight and tried not to breath too deeply, he needed a shower, he needed breakfast and he needed to shake Odeon. They had been walking in the forest and sleeping there with barely enough food to survive since they had escaped the fight in the Hunter's cave. He was sad that Lonan was not with them any longer too but damn they couldn't go on like that. He had never expected Odeon to became such a mess, one day of mourning was something, two days were more than enough but now it had to stop. Plus, there was a chance that Lonan was still alive and they couldn't take it by staying in a lethargic stay walking randomly all day, they needed a plan and a good one. But first of all, food.
Torsti rised his hammer and hit up the tree, a wave propagated along the trunk and the branches cracked. He had been gentle, to make sure the tree itself was going to stay standing. Leaved started to fall around him followed by the heavy sleepy body of his elder brother. He was expecting him to yell, before Lonan's disappearance, he would have. Bur now, things were different. Odeon sat on the floor stroking his head and pulling out his wings. He didn't say anything, he didn't look at Torsti he just yawned and sat there while Torsti waited for something to happen, a reaction, something, anything.
“We need food,” he finally said.

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