Friday, February 23, 2018

Vampire Friday: Vampire Heart 161

Welcome to a new part of Vampire Heart unedited. Have you been bitten yet?Sign up to be part of our awesome Vampire Friday blog hop team! You know you want to!

Summary of the previous episodes: Viorel has been tortured by his supposed family who wanted to have him burn in the sun. Strangely enough the sun didn't burn him as expected but Viorel has no memory of who he is. Following the advises of his supposed father, he left Sighișoara and is now traveling to the West. After some skirmish in a previous city, he found refuge on a boat. Viorel is now in Vienna. The little problem is that the guy at the inn was a bit of an asshole and helped capture Viorel thinking he was a vampire, which he is but nobody needs to know. Now there is a huge man (which I call the colossi) taking care of Viorel and a priest. They brought a girl. Torture my holy water... Fail. Viorel managed to confuse everyone, now he would like to get out of here. But the girl seems pretty useless. They still managed to escape and he left the girl to the care of the boat lady before going back to have two words with his captors but his power of persuasion were failing him. The priest wanted to crack a deal but Viorel is not really up to help his enemies. He finally got some blood but he can't risk to stay in Vienna. He travel to Linz were he stays a bit to learn German.
Viorel wanted to go to Praha but redirect himself toward Augsburg instead where he wants to get a horse, except that the horses are a bit scared of his vampirism and maybe something else. Viorel is really not a horse expert. Then he comes into an altercation with couple of people, he wants some fear in his blood. The girl Viorel has found seemed to enjoy the game. Viorel prepares for the nightmares that come with a feast of blood, in a rush to leave, he cross the dukedom of Lorrain.
We introduced Sorina, three weeks after the beginning of Viorel's escape.
Viorel dreamed of Sorina and woke up not really remembering anything. Traveling to Paris, he arrives at "La cour des miracles". He is rescued by a stranger who turned out to be Nicolas Flamel, the alchemist he was looking for. Nicolas does some strange experiment without Viorel's agreement. Some people are looking for Nicolas's secrets. On the other side of Europe, Sorina awakes and Viorel's past in haunting him. Viorel discovered that he can change into a wolf but that's not the easiest thing to handle.

Now, let's continue with Vampire Heart, right where we left of last week

It was a strange feeling to sign my name. It felt unnatural to my eyes but my hand found it really familiar. I read the letter again and again. I didn’t want to disclose anything more than necessary, the killing, the location, that was enough. I wanted to make him angry enough to have been running himself after me even if I thought that he was probably never getting out of the castle. I wasn’t sure how long I had left but I knew that he had been on this Earth a lot longer than me and I didn’t remember ever going out of Hungary until now. I could speak other languages but I didn’t know how many and how I had learned them. I went back to lie on the bed leaving my ink to dry. I needed to stop thinking about everything I didn’t know about myself and start to think about what to do next. The hot chocolate was probably cold by now but I didn’t care much, all I wanted was blood.

I looked at the ceiling for a long time, counting the hole in the wood on ever board then doing it again. I didn’t think I could fall asleep, I knew I was just trying to avoid the conversation with Nicolas. I was making up excuses in my mind: I’ll go when I’m fully rested, I’ll pack first, I’m in a rush, I’ll go when my shoulder is totally cure. The thing is I couldn’t decide myself to do it. I had finished to become what people around me had been treating me like. I was a child. In Sighişoara, I had been a child, I didn’t know for how many years I had leaved but I still remembered needing my parents, the memories that came back to me were all related to them and their teaching. On the boat I had been with the lady and she had been treating me like her lost child. Nicolas and Perenelle looked so much older than me at first that they couldn’t help it and they were still at it, telling me with to do, teaching me how to be a better human, even telling me what to feel at time and how to react properly to my feeling. I didn’t know if it was the fact that I had changed into a wolf, the blood from last night or the fact that I killed four vampires without really talking to them. I felt that something was changing in me, a part of it felt sad but another felt good and I needed to be alone. The night was coming closer, first the noise in the street was calming down, further away was the music, the smell was changing too, it smelled like beer, sweat and alcohol, it was time to play for the one who had been working like slaves all day. The air was fresh. My eyes were slowly getting use to the dark. I took the small mirror on my bed side table and examined my face. I wonder if the change inside of me was visible outside. I wished it was, it would have made it easier if everyone had seen that I was growing up and that I needed to be alone. I needed to say goodbye somehow, they wouldn’t die but I had the intense feeling that I was never going to see them again. Nicolas was able to move quickly and to disappear and he wouldn’t care about burning a few more houses for his own purpose. If I had a choice right now, I would have chosen to stay where where I was, to live and to die here. But this was a luxury only offered to human. I couldn’t see any changes on my face, I was the same as I had always been. I heard Nicolas steps in the stairs. They were a lot heavier than Perenelle’s easy to distinguish. I stood up quickly and opened the window, leaving my mirror on the desk.

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1 comment:

  1. You left it at a cliff hanger. Totally wondering if he's going to jump out the window and not be there if Nicolas walks in
