Wednesday, December 6, 2017

Wednesday Snippet: Demon World 148

Welcome to a new part of Demon World unedited, we start right where we left off last time.

“What happened to you?” Gideon asked.
She was looking so strong and masculine somehow with her big wings flapping in her back uncontrollably that it was a bit difficult for Gideon to sympathize with her, he felt like treating her like one of the boys, it was a really strange feeling and it was making him uncomfortable.
“The sanctuary has been attacked, several of my friends disappeared. They had powers like crazy, they were wearing weird robes as if they were from some weird organization, they got kicked out, finally, but there are lots of damages, they were using, I don’t know how to call it but it forbids us to heal so I got that.”
She pushed the bag toward Gideon pushing it strongly in his chest.
Gide on cough
“Do you know who they actually are?” He said opening the bag. It was filled with black stone which seemed to emit there one light in the back..
“No idea, I wasn’t there, it happened fast, between the moment we left and the moment I came back. I need to go back there to help, but Azazel need those, if he is going there on his own.” She seemed to calm down a little.
“He is not on his own, there are plenty of people with him, too many for Gideon to go play”, Dylan said.
“They need this, all of them, those people can neutralize our Eather power, which means no healing people are dying around, they need those stones, do you get it?”

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