Let's start right where we left off last week.
Amy pulled her tongue at
me like a little kid. That gave her a funny expression. She was like
so many different person all at once. I didn't know how she did it,
happy about something with this deep feeling about her family that
was pulling her down underneath. I knew I was totally made by
everything that went on with my mum and felt as if I was carrying it
on my face at all time. A battle without a rest even now when she was
far away, everything that happened between us was coming back to my
mind, everything I wanted so bad to forget.
"So let's go to the
library, I was to start my organic chemistry as soon as possible,"
Amy said.
I wasn't too sure about
that. Organic chemistry had to be the one thing totally undrinkable
in the entire history of science. It was filled with huge formula you
had to remember and I had given up on it already.
"All right!" I
said. I didn't want to break her the bad news. The thing was I
couldn't do it but there were people on the planet who obviously did
it and everything another human being can do, you can do it too if
you put enough dedication to it.
"This is going to be
fun right, you reading those electothingy and me doing the same with
the chemistry."
"If you want to do
it like I do you'll have to read until your eyes cry so bad you can't
see through your tear and your brain feels like mashed potatoes."
Amy laughed and took my
arm pulling me toward the library building. It was huge and I liked
it. I would have spend my days there if I wasn't in class all day.
I wasn't lying though.
The only way I ever got something stick in my brain was my making
myself almost sick for it, like those violin players who practice
until their fingers bleed, I was sure that somehow I was making my
brain bleed for knowledge.
"There are so many!"
Amy said.
"Just start with the
introduction books if you take three you'll read the same information
several time. Then you'll be able to get a good feeling on the topic
next you can go to something more difficult."
"You've got like
what eight books," Amy said.
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