Wednesday, November 1, 2017

Wednesday Snippet: Demon World 143

Welcome to a new part of Demon World unedited, we start right where we left off last time.

“Finally!” Viorel exclammed.
“What?” Azazel said.
He was sitting on the bed for what seemed to him to be ages. Evalynn had gone home, Sahel was nowhere to be found, his shadow had proven more useless that any of them and Seti was playing the busy bee turning in circle in the room looking over everyone shoulders, not to forget the two crazy vampire making out shamelessly in one corner of the room and another one playing some sort of chemical Magick tricks with a human. In summary he had never been so bored in his entire life.
“Let’s give a little visit to our demon friends”, Viorel said.
“What?” Azazel said jumping on his feet.
“Are you deaf or just pretending?” Seti said. He at the contrary seemed fully awaken and ready to go.
“We should go get Sahel first”, Azazel said, remembering that every time there had been a fight he had been the one saving them. He wasn’t too confident about his own newly discovered powers yet, after all what could checking the floor a bit do against fully trained demons.

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