Friday, November 3, 2017

NaNoWriMo Vlog Day 2: She looked like an angry pufferfish

Of course I have been writing today. I managed to reach 5452 words. That cover the 5000 words I should reach on day 2 and the 2500 daily words and gives me about 100 extra. 
I really wanted to push a bit more but I had no time after dinner. I still have half of my blog to work through. I really wish I could work when someone else is in the room, that would help a lot because as soon as Ikki comes home I can't do anything anymore except maybe read and crochet. 
So yeah no video filming and no writing after dinner unless he goes to bed before me. I need to find a way to schedule things so that I'm not so frustrated with being unable to work when he is around.

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