Thursday, October 5, 2017

Thursday Fiction 135: Parallel Slip

Welcome back to a new part of Parallel Slip, where we follow the adventure of Frederique through her slip in different parallel universes.

Let's start right where we left off last week

"My mother is like your parents, they don't know a thing about study because they never studied themselves. They dived at the easy money that didn't require thinking and they expect you to do the same. In your case, they allow you to study because everyone knows that it's a good thing to do. In my case she didn't even want me to. The problem is you don't have to show them anything, they don't want to know, they don't care to know. Trust me, I tried to explain things to my mother forever, she never got it, she never listen. It's too hard for them to change their mind about things but that's not your problem. Your problem is to do what you want with your life because it's your but I'm not telling you to go get yourself drunk in trash with people like Tamara and Jimmy, I'm telling you to climb as high as you want and to get what you dream of. No matter what you decide to study, go as far as you can. I'm going a second year quantum class tomorrow afternoon, wanna join?"
Amy didn't answer. She was looking straight in front of her too. The bus finally reached the central bus station and she walked to the front first paying for her ride. She turned to look at me at the door.
"Before your extra class, would you have some times to go to the student center with me, I need to register for at least five extra classes and I don't know how to negotiate for those."
"Sure," I said before following her out. 

We didn't have anymore trouble to get to the dormitory. I was happy to find my bed waiting for me but I dragged myself to the shower first. I could still smell the smoke and the putrid smell of the trash all over me. It seemed like it would never go away. I let my clothes in my sink with a large dose of washing powder. It was awful. I decided that if Amy really wanted to party I would have to find a proper place to do it and make sure there was no Jimmy or Mike-nick around. I couldn't even understand what girls were doing with those sort of guys. Tamara might have been the one dating Jimmy until Amy and I came along. I don't think it would be easy for me to know that I was dating a guy temporarily, even in exchange for good grad, she didn't even pass in second year, what the hell was she thinking? Even though she was none of my concern I still couldn't take her out of my thought. She knew what it was all about and she still drug us there. She knew I could have blacked out anytime and she still put me in danger. Well, there was danger to be around those people, black out or not.

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