Monday, October 16, 2017

The Truth about Alice by Jennifer Mathieu (Book Review) (with video)

Today, I'm reviewing The Truth About Alice by Jennifer Mathieu.
I wanted to read this book for quite some time but I was a bit afraid to actually know the Truth about Alice.
Alice Franklin is actually one of the only main character in the book who doesn't have her POV. She is talked about but never does anyone actually ask her what happened and the only time she voices it, her best friend doesn't believe her.
Her story is told through the eyes of multiple unreliable narrator who all have their own reason to propagate rumors about her. It's kind of disturbing to actually see everything unfold and to learn the truth because those characters are sort of directly talking to the reader.
I was afraid to read this book because I thought something really drastic would happen and actually, nothing drastic happens which makes it even more realistic.

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