Wednesday, October 18, 2017

Nightmare Realisation by Carol Riggs (Book Review) #Spookathon (with video)

Today, I have for you the first review of Spookathon: Junction 2020 Nightmare Realisation.
This book is the second book in the series. I read it as an ARC but it's actually out now so you can go and grab it here.

In Junction 2020 a group of five adolescent go through a portal made to triangle to reach what is called a landscape.
The landscape is build of the nightmare and favorite things of one of them.
In this book, we are in Tony's landscape so we learn about Tony's past, his likes and dislike and the reasons behind all of his nightmare.
At the same time, our little group of friends, Mainworlders, also have to fight against the Shifters, people jumping from landscape to landscapes to catch the Mainworlders and get out of the landscape with them.
Tony is a very particular character because all of his fears are actually lethal which makes this landscape very dangerous. He is very different from Marie in multiple ways, including the fact that he is not really as brave and as smart. This book is interesting because it pushes the understanding of the landscape and Shifters a lot further.
It was an interesting read.

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