Friday, October 20, 2017

Book Review: Doctor Sleep by Stephen King (with video) #Spookathon

I finished to read Doctor Sleep last night. I thought I would be scared but there was nothing scary about this book. It was good just not as mind blowing as expected.
Still, I have a few issues.First with who Dan actually is and if it's not a bit out of character for him to be an alcoholic in the first place.
Then I found myself having empathy for the bad guys and sort of not completely understanding why the "good" characters didn't have much. I mean I can't understand why at least one of the characters couldn't show of some empathy for the bad guys.
Then I have a bit of problem with the mass murder, probably as a result of having empathy for the bad guys.
I also have problems with Momo's death, I mean I went to analyse, Danny taking the cancer from her as being the same as how John Coffey takes the illness from other people in The Green Mile and use it later. There is the same sort of process, Dan, just like John is sick while transporting the cancer but Momo dies while the woman in The Green Mile survives which I feel is a bit unfair.
Then there is the problem of the true knot. In a way it feels like the book want to make us believe that they were created in the  boiler's explosion which would be why they need "steam" but in an other way some of the member are really old, like century old so they would have to have existed before the incident in The Shinning. Or maybe it's just the place where the hotel used to stand that is attracting people. I'm not sure but I feel like the origin of the True Knot wasn't really explain and in the same way, they apparently used to be 200 and then now they are 41 but we are also told that the death are super rare for them so, where did the 160 others disappeared. I mean is there a third book fighting them coming up in 30 years?
Are the one who left Rose the Hat really all going to die of the measles?
So many questions partially answered only. And it feels to me a bit inconsistent.

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