Wednesday, September 6, 2017

Wednesday Snippet: Demon World 136

Welcome to a new part of Demon World unedited, we start right where we left off last time.

“We asked specifically not to be disturbed”, one of the demons with the big horns said turning over to him. The two others didn’t move, Brownie wondered if they had shared the tasks so well that each of them only had a very specific function and this one was the one taking care of the interruption. Her demon was looking at her intensely. He seemed to be trying really hard not to break her throat. She was playing with fire and she knew it.
“She knows something”, the demon looking at Kion said, he walked toward him and lowered himself near him. Kion had that kind of power, he could probably ask anything from them if he wanted too, he had what they needed most, he could sense what she knew.
But Brownie still didn’t understand. She wasn’t even close of thinking about a formula not even talking about what the right one could be.
“Little girl, give me the formula”, the demon said smiling at her.
The other was shaking Kion but Kion didn’t react, he was somewhere else, away from his body and away from Brownie’s mind.
The demon wearing the robe was on the floor, begging for his life, and giving his information.
“We need to go”, the demon taking care of him said kicking him throwing him out of the way before walking out.
“We are not finished here”, the one kneeling near Kion answered without stopping to shake him.
“We are close to get our answer”, the demon in front of Brownie answered looking back toward the hole.

Brownie couldn’t have disagreed more but she wasn’t going to tell. They had something to take care between them.
“You heard him like I did, one of them died and there is a breach in the soul plan, if we don’t take care of it, the formula won’t matter anymore we will have no soul left to use it”, the demon said.
Brownie’s brain was racing. They wanted to do something to the souls but what, what had she ever done with souls.
“She knows something more”, the demon taking care of Kion said still shaking him to make him come back from his trance.
“And she won’t forget about it anytime soon”, the demon with the long hair said slapping Brownie across the face. She thought that her lower jaw was going to quit her face before her head hit the wall next to her and she lost consciousness.
“Let’s go, and I hope they really needed us or I will took care of them personally” the demon said.
The other stood up.
“I’m not done with you”, he said to Kion.
They walked out of the room.

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