Thursday, September 28, 2017

Thursday Fiction 134: Parallel Slip

Welcome back to a new part of Parallel Slip, where we follow the adventure of Frederique through her slip in different parallel universes.

Let's start right where we left off last week
"I guess you'll have to take side classes then," I said.
"I'm not smart enough," Amy answered, "and oceanography is not that bad, I mean I like it too."
"But why would you reduce yourself to just that when you can have both," I said.
"I can't register for more classes. I told you I wouldn't have graduated without Alex's help and he won't help anymore, he has too much physics to do. See he is studying right now when I'm in a bus to nowhere," Amy said.
I knew I was going to get nowhere with Amy by tackling her upfront so I decided to take the side door.
"My mother's company as a contract ready for me for when I finish my degree in two years," I said. "I just have to go home to her and sign it, then I'll go to work in the same office as her every day for the rest of my life," I said. "No much time to enjoy life, parental eyes on me until she retires by that time I'll be forty-five, I'll never have a boyfriend, all the guys around will have a beer belly or be married to someone else who went to high-school with me. It's a small city, they all know each other and who would want to move there anyway."
"Two years," Amy said as if I had just told her that I had an incurable disease and that my time was limited.
"Two years," I said.
"And then, your entire life is already decided for you," she said.
"Was," I answered.
"I ran away," I said. "I'm here right?"
"But your mum was in your room right, when she slapped you," Amy said.
"Because I ran away. Because I'm not wasting my life like she wasted hers."
Amy didn't answer, she was just looking at me as if I had said the craziest thing she ever heard and after what happened at the bar tonight, I didn't know if that was a good thing. I look straight in front of me. I couldn’t let what she thought of me distract me while lecturing her.

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