Thursday, September 21, 2017

Thursday Fiction 133: Parallel Slip

Hi guys,
Thursday Taster has been dead since last January but I somehow still want to be sharing Parallel Slip with you. So I decided that I am going to have a new Thursday Fiction post every Thursday from now. It's going to start where my Thursday Taster stopped last January. You can check the last bit of Parallel Slip here to refresh your memory. You can also find all the Parallel Slip related posts here.

"I don't think biology is easier than physics," I interrupted Amy. "I mean look at all that new vocabulary that you need to use all the time and to learn and I'm not even telling you about the organic chemistry formulas, those are atrocious."
Amy first looked at me blankly until I said atrocious and then she laughed but it was a sad laugh.
"Maybe," she said.
I didn't want to hear her complain about Alex and how unfair it was for her. I had no sibling except for Jonas, I had been alone with my mother most of my life and I always imagined that it would be great to have someone to play with someone who had to love you but I didn't imagine what it could be like.
"The thing is, it doesn't matter if it's hard or not, the only thing that matters is that Alex is doing physics because he is the smart one and I'm doing biology because that's the thing I should be doing. They'll never validate me unless I become president or something." Amy said.
"Then why did you choose biology, why not take physics like Alex and finish the competition with him?"
"Because I want to..."
"Yes," I said.
"No, that's silly ok let'S forget about it," Amy said.
"So that's what you told your parents? That you were going to do biology for a silly reason?"
"I told them I wanted to study marine biology and oceanography and they answered that at least I could find a job at a restaurant cooking fish or on a fisherman boat."
"Really?" I said.
"They have no idea what marine biology is and they have no idea what research actually is at all so imagine if I had told them that I wanted to look for aliens."
"Aliens, you mean like astrobiology and atmospheric research on exoplanets?" I asked.
"You know about that?" Amy asked surprised.
"Sure, I pride myself on having a lot of knowledge on especially useless stuff."
"Right?" Amy didn't find it amusing.
"But you are still studying Oceanography," I said.
The bus stopped and the door opened. I looked at the people climbing in, a man and a woman in their forties, nothing as dangerous as biology students. I took a deep breath and relaxed when the bus started again. The idea was to get to the bus center and take another bus back to the university from there. It was a long ride from here probably another half hour.
"Yeah, I couldn't get myself to check the other box on the form in front of them. I'm such a chicken. I mean they are already disapproving everything I do but I still try to do something to please them," Amy said.

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