Saturday, September 2, 2017

The artist's way: Introduction

On the first of September, I started a new 12 weeks program called "The artist's way" basically I'm in a facebook group, you can find the link here.
All the participant are supposed to read "The artist's way" by Julia Cameron and go through all the exercises. Basically every day you are supposed to do the "morning pages" which is write 3 pages of whatever comes to your mind as soon as you wake up. Every week you also have to go on a date with your inner artist. And then there are like 8 exercises to go through.
On the first day, I did exercices 3 and 4 which is like the monster all of fame where you write down three monster that killed your creativity and then you pic one and explain in details what actually happened. For week one, we also have to do some positive affirmation and work on the negative feedback we get from our inner voice.
I hope I'll be able to stick with it for the twelves week. It's fun so far. If you are doing it to or have done it just let me know in the comments bellow.

Here is the video

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