Friday, September 8, 2017

The Artist's Way (Day 7) First Week Check In and Spirituality Rant

So today is the last day of the first Week of my Artist's Way project.
So I have to do a Check in and answer some questions.
So I did my Morning Pages for 7 days without fail.
I didn't go on my artist's date.
I don't find the Artist's Way particularly helpful. I don't know if it's because I feel like I already did the exercises on myself before. And I didn't really have to recover my safety which was the plan of the first week.
I'm going to continue and see what the second week brings. Hopefully I'll find something a bit more worthy of my time. I started this project not really knowing what to expect but I thought it was going to give me a bit more clarity about how to be more productive as an artist by increasing my conscientiousness but actually it doesn't. It's more based on some spiritual way of thinking about creativity while I'm more the type of person who sees creativity as hard work.

Here is the video

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