Monday, September 4, 2017

The Artist's Way (Day 3) and WeWriWar, Snippet Sunday

Today I didn't do much for the Artist's Way. I just got something really weird happening. So when you do the affirmation and say good things about yourself, you are supposed to have negative feedback from your inner voice or negative memories coming up. This morning, there was nothing. So I just tried to write the sentence nicely instead. It's really weird but at the same time I tend to try not to stick to the negative so much so it might get buried deep in.
Today, since it's Sunday, I'm also participating in the Week-end Writing Warriors and Snippet Sunday.
It's basically a blog hop where writers share 8 to 10 sentences of their work and read each other's work.
If you are a writer, you can join and share your work too. If you are a reader, you can join and discover new writers and new little pieces of story every weeks. 

Here is the video

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