Sunday, September 24, 2017

The Artist's Way (Day 23) Chapter 4 part 1: Solitude Work and the dark side of the coin

Here is my review of Chapter 4. I have to say I was once again so annoyed with this chapter that I wanted to seriously quit and I think I found a method to deal with this book and sort of quit at the same time (more on that later).
I'm really annoyed with this Chapter because even though it looks good in theory it has so many flaws in covering the topic that I wasn't even sure where to start.
I had to read the part about Honest Changes twice to make sure that I actually wasn't dreaming.
It looks nice if you have no clue about how your own emotion work. It's true that you are going to have a lot of nice things about yourself coming up. But those are the easy bits. It's like how I want too bake cookies for my kids every Sunday I never realised that let me get some flour.
The problem is not with the nice bit. The problem is with the bad bits that are going to come up. The problem is with the yucky stuff about yourself that you are going to hate. This book doesn't prepare you to accept things you love when you see them consciously as a negative. And that's the main problem I have with it. Because we all love the drama in our life and we love our bad habits because they somehow make sense and there is no way it just show you the good stuff and pretend that everything is going to be all right.
The positive side only is killing me. I find it gross and exhausting.

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