Saturday, September 23, 2017

The Artist's Way (Day 22) Check in for week 3 and Ignoring red flags

So that's the end of week three of the Artist's Way project, time actually flies.
In this video, I'm going through the check in of week 3.
So I did my morning pages every day. They felt a little bit more calm than before. Like I'm not talking about as much crap, more about my productivity I guess.
I still have problem with what to consider and Artist's date because I think that everything I do is considered an artist date, that sort of defy the purpose of the all thing. I feel that an artist date has to be something a bit more special than that.
I probably had a bit of synchronicity but it could also be that I was just looking for stuff.
And yes, I consider that getting kicked out of the group was significant to my recovery in the way that I won't be ignoring the red flags or gut feelings I have about a person and waste my time on people who don't worth it. So I'm going to show the red flags I ignore at the end of the videos, there are more than that so seriously I don't even understand how I thought the association was a good idea.

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