Wednesday, September 20, 2017

The Artist's Way (Day 19) Childhood Achievements and Mini Artist Date

I did my morning pages and the exercises 3 to 6. 
Those where a bit difficult to me because my childhood achievement are not really something I think about regularly. Also there isn't much I would count as an achievement. Even know when I achieve something, I rarely have the feeling that I actually achieved something, for me everything is just part of a whole, it's just life, just one more thing done. I don't have that ability to really rejoice in my achievement even when they are something important like finishing NaNoWriMo or publishing a novel... 
Then there was the all part about friends in part 5 and 6. And I'm kind of a person who really like to be alone. I don't feel lonely very often. I kind of need to be alone to do my things too so those two exercises are going to be skipped. 
Then I sort of had a mini artist date last night. I went to Daiso since I needed a new notebook for my morning pages and I bought some art supplies and a notebook for my music and some decoration for my lil'fairy house. 

Here is the video

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