Tuesday, September 19, 2017

The Artist's Way (Day 18) Music and Care Bears

This is update for day 18. In the morning, I did my morning pages. Then I worked on the music of the song I wrote during my artist date and I started a new care bear. 
The music is coming along well. I managed to get the melody down and I asked for a little bit of help for the chords since it was my first time doing that and I have it through the introduction. 
Then I'm showing you my care bears. 
The care bear is a sort of project that I started a long time ago. It's just going one bear at a time. There is no bear limit. The one I'm creating now is a middle size rainbow colored bear, the first of its kind. 
Then in the evening, I went thought exercise 1 and 2. There was a description of my bedroom and some thought about what I like. So this chapter is a bit of regression work, just not really the one I would use to deal with shame and anger in an effective manner. 

 Here is the video


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