Thursday, September 21, 2017

Norwegian Wood by Murakami (Book review)

This book was so depressing. It took me forever to read it. I started when I finished "Kafka on the Shore". It was sort of hard to read because basically, nothing happens. It's like we follow this guy going to his daily student life. He is so amorph about everything that's happening around him that there is no exciting point. When he meets new people or do something there is never any excitement.
Basically, I didn't care about any of the characters. I think it's one of the rare books when I was happy to see a character finally disappear.
I mean there was no other point in Naoko's life than to die. Really.
I understand depressed and overly depressed but I don't understand her take on reality.
It seems like the entire purpose of the book was to show two different type of depression and two different type of way of going through life after the suicide of a loved one. On one side, we have Naoko who just can't get out of her own head. And on the other side, we have Toru who is nowhere near his until everything collapse. So I don't understand how she didn't care and I don't understand how he actually didn't.
I know that people love this book so I don't know why I was so bored reading it. Even the Storm Trooper, I didn't think that was funny.
I guess I came to this book after "Kafka on the shore" expecting it to be as mind blowing. Well, my mind wasn't blown.
And still, I think it's a good book. I think there are a lot of little things and construction in this book that makes it interesting. This book is really really weird.
Seriously, if you want to start on reading Murakami, don't make this your first book because you might never pick up another one and that would be a shame.

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