Monday, August 28, 2017

Doll Review: Pullip Cheshire Cat in Steampunk World (with video)

Today, I'm opening the Cheshire cat. I got her on Surugaya, because she was the cheapest than I ever saw her. She was apparently second hand but the only difference with a brand new doll was that the seal was gone from the box and she had tape instead.
She is really pretty. She has long red hair, grey eyes, and a very soft face up. She comes with her cat tail and ears, and her outfit is composed of four pieces: apron/corset thingy, top, skirt and a mini skirt on top. She also has detached sleeves and striped socks of the same color, one in red and grey and the other in black and grey. She also has super cool boost.
This pullip is the last released from the Alice in Steampunk World series and it's a little strange because she wasn't on any of the initial promo pictures with the 5 other dolls in this series and also because is dressed in red and black/brown when the others are more in brown and blue.

Anyway, I'm very a happy to have her in my collection.

Here is the video

And here are some pictures

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