Thursday, August 31, 2017

Cu-Poche Review: Dino (Stop Motion)

Today, I had a lot of little helper to help me opening Dino's box.
Dino is another Cu-poche friend. The last release of the kind and he is a boy in the middle of all my girls. He came out sometimes in the middle of the month but I had to wait for my nendoroid Ram to come out to for amiami to send them to me together as I had a group order.
I'm happy to have him finally home.
I was a bit surprised when I opened the box because he comes with extra part of hands which is the coolest thing ever. I really hope I'll be able to get some of the sets a the other cu-phoe friends Cherry and Anne.
What I like with the Cu-poche, is that they are tiny but still super posable.

I hope you'll enjoy the little stop motion, it has been a while.

Here is the video

And Here are some pictures

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