Friday, July 21, 2017

Dolly Vlog Hop #18: How do you store your doll stuff? (with video)

Today for this new Dolly Vlog hop video, I'm going to take you into my doll item storage closet. I used to have stuff in boxes everywhere but now I actually have a dresser where I keep all my doll stuff.
In the first drawer, I have all the books and cards and extra pair of hands as well as the crazy looking accessories.
In the second drawer, I have the pullip and friends clothes. The clothes that I made or the extra pieces from the stock outfits that my dolls aren't wearing at the moment.
In the third drawer, I have all of my azone clothes for pureneemo and picconeemo. I have the sahra's a la mode and excute outfits on the left, the kikipop clothes in the middle and the lil'fairies outfits on the right. 
Then the fourth drawer is all Amane's stuff. When I say that she is the one I have bought the most clothes for, I'm really not exagerating. You can see it's sort of full, that's also because of the huge time of grace outfit that I got for her last january in the lucky bags. 
Then in the last drawer, I have my ball-jointed doll clothes and shoes. I don't have a lot of ball-jointed dolls and I don't have a lot of clothes for them either. 

Here is the video.

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