Friday, June 9, 2017

Vlog #69: Fabric Shopping in Nippori and Nendoroid Yoshino (with video)

Today, I have a vlog for you. I went shopping with a friend for Fabric in Nippori. Nippori is also known as fabric town in Tokyo and you have store after stores of fabric there so you can easily find whatever you need. We went to Tomato because they are the cheapest one with cuts from 100yen per meters and pieces that you can buy really cheap. I bought several fabric and buttons that I will show to you.
We also went to Akihabara and I got a new Nendoroid. Her name is Yoshino. She is one of the first Nendoroid I had my eyes on. I don't care much for the anime she comes from but I like her because she is super cute.

Here is the video

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