Tuesday, June 6, 2017

Doll box Opening and Review: Kikipop Grape Squash (with video)

En français
Today I'm going to open my new azone kikipop dolls. First I will be opening Kiki Grape Squash in this video in English, then I will have a second video in French where I'll open Kiki Soda Blue.
The two kikis are identical except for the color.
Kiki Grape Squash has purple very soft hair. She has been designed as a collaboration with Njiro Drops who is making animal related drawings and goods. For this kikis, they decided to have a cat on the sweater. They are also using pastel colors and 80ties design which make this kiki really cute.
I absolutely love that they have little tape designed on their socks. The kiki comes with star hair accessories and with little stickers for their eyes. Since they come with a lot of stickers, they can be used on other kikis.

Here is the video for Grape Squash (in English)

Here is the video for Soda Blue (in French)

And here are some pictures.


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