Monday, March 13, 2017

Sahra's a la mode expo at the Azone Store Akihabara (with video)

En français
Yesterday I went to the Azone store for the Sahra's a la mode exposition. They had all the Sahra's ever created in there so it was a really nice time down Sahra's history line. Of course I took pictures of everything for you to see.
The general Sahra's expo finished today but the Meow Meow expo started two days ago and will continue for a little bit apparently. Though they only have Sahra and Maya, if you are like me waiting for the next announcement, it will probably happen at the doll show on the 20th and I'll report everything to you.
They also had a few diorama in place so I brought a few dolls and took a lot of pictures of them in there. You might recognise diorama from the Twinkle, Pink Pink and Sweet Sweet series.
Of course I also took a tour of the store and some pictures of what they generally have there.

Here are some pictures of my dolls at the store.

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