Wednesday, February 22, 2017

Limited Lil'fairy Review: Little Maid Lipu (with video)

A long time ago, I introduced three lil'fairy fro the limited series that I got on yahoo auction all together. I promised to have review of them and some pictures but the time passed and I hadn't been around it until now.
This series of doll were to be obtained from a book. You had to buy the book and then order each lil'fairies separatedly at 10000 yen each, one doll order per book, which is a bit of a trouble if you want all three because that means getting three identical books.
I will be reviewing all three of them and also changing their clothes since I wanted to get them after seeing Erunoe at the azone store with a different outfit which I also got.
The first one is Lipu. The lil'fairies are originally little helpers, the first version being a maid and this version of lipu is also a maid. The difference is that she has green hair since the limited series has fantasy colored hair. I actually like this version because the hair actually fit the green eyes and she reminds me of Hatsune Miku, especially that she is wearing her hair high instead of low like the other Lipus.
She of course has the maid outfit with the dress, with separable sleeves and the apron.  She also comes with a cleaning sheet and a broom.

Here is the video

And here are some pictures.

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