Saturday, February 11, 2017

Grail doll review: Pullip Galene (with video)

This is going to be the last Grail doll review for the moment, that is unless I succumb to the tempatation of yahoo auction and grab one more Grail Pullip tonight. I didn't get her last night because I got pissed at pullip due to the last Cinderella release announcement but tonight I might as it's really not the poor girl's fault.
Anyway guys, this one is Pullip Galen, a collaboration doll between Groove and Mitsubashi baby bee and Silver Butterfly.
Mitsubashi baby bee made a lot of collaboration with Groove including: Isul Mao, Neko Neko Mao Mao, Hednar, Pullip Kuhn, The new My Melody, Seila and therefore, Laura and Alura. I think the only one I'm missing from them is the last My Melody.
Silver Butterfly was the artist who created the recent release Lupinus and Quince. They will have a special event in March which I'm going to attend if I remember where I left the information.

Galene was released in 2012 I'm not sure I can consider her a rare doll yet but she becomes more and more difficult to come by at the time passes even with higher pricing. So when I saw her second her for cheaper than her retail price, I couldn't resist.
She is really special because she comes with a really well made and crazily designed outfit. There are also a lot of different fabric used giving a very elaborated effect to her closes. Her wig is also special as it has the feeling of a classical doll on one side with the large rolls of hair but it also has some wilderness with some shorter strand of hair and a sided bang.
She is also wearing short trousers which I actually didn't notice until I made this review, from far away it looks like a dress. It's one of the fun part about discovering a doll while reviewing her And she also comes with a chair which is pretty cool. She is the second pullip I have that came with a piece of furniture, the other being Aira.

Here are some pictures

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