Thursday, December 1, 2016

Dolly Vlog Hop #17: I have no style! (with video)

This is video number 17 of the Dolly Vlog Hop. The question this week is:
What type of doll fashion you are drawn to? Casual, lolita, vintage, etc.

In this video, I go through some of the doll style I enjoy even though I can't really name style and don't understand how a lot of the fashion style actually work but whatever. I also show you part of my newly reorganised doll shelves.

Never miss a Dolly Vlog Hop video, check our playlist

Check out the other Vlog Hop participants.
For more information on the Vlog Hop and how to participate, check out the rules or ask me because I'm the one organizing.
If you want to participate by making videos, I'll give you the rules and the weekly question as well as an updated list of participants.
If you want the Dolly Vlog Hop to answer your question, just leave it in the comments and I'll add it to the list.
Don't forget to like my facebook page: Doll and Amigurumi for more doll stuff.

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