Thursday, November 10, 2016

NaNoWriMo 9th day log, tip 7 and following my own advices

So I started following my own advice and had a massive catch up and a pretty good writing day. Write or Die is really too efficient for me. At this point I even felt like I could write the whole novel in one sitting, haha not happening but still it was a pretty good feeling.
I hope you'll enjoy today's new tips. I already decided to put in in practice when I finished today's writing session. Hopefully it will make tomorrow's writing even better.

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  1. Great video and tip! Love listening to your voice, too :)

  2. Hit 'enter' too soon. I totally stopped writing yesterday at the end of a paragraph. And now that I'm trying to put in my writing time today, I'm like crap, because I can't think of anything.

    1. I find it super hard not to write until I'm out of idea because I always want more words, so I know the feeling. What story are you working on, maybe we can brainstorm something.

    2. I'm working on the first BloodLust book. I think this is the third restart I've done of it, but going better than the other two. I'm questioning if it is really going better. :-/
      Anyway, I got out of being stuck yesterday and wrote for almost 5 hours today.
      I need to take some time to outline this version a bit, on paper and not in my head. It was on my list of things to do before NaNoWriMo started, but I didn't get to it, plus I started NaNoWriMo four days late. I added you on the NaNo site too.
      I will take you up on Brainstorming, thank you :)

  3. You can ask anything in the blue giraffe and we can brainstorm there, facebook is a lot faster with notification than blogger.
    Mine is doing fine, I might need 200k words the way it's going so slow but I guess all my books need to be longer than the previous one lol.

    1. That is awesome to hear about your story! yes, I don't think 50k is enough words for any of the books I've started writing. The story takes its time. I'm only at 17k and I already don't feel my story will fit within 50k.

      See you soon in Blue Giraffe!

    2. It seems that every story is getting longer like my characters are avoiding going straight to their goal and just prepare for ever. Telling something about my life maybe.

    3. Sounds like my life, too.

      I was happy living in California, but had to recently move back to New York (not New York City) due to family. Trying to figure out my life here in New York. There is nothing here for me, especially not in work. Ughhhh. But this is probably why I'm so focused on writing my novel.

    4. I haven't been writing for a while. I think I had given up a bit, my life was so stressful it took me a while to recover from it. I guess now I just have to go through with my old project and see how I can make it work.
