Monday, November 7, 2016

NaNoWriMo 6th day log, tip 4 and the use of flashbacks (with video

So today was a hard writing day. I actually finished the writing past midnight. One of the reason is that I don't know where this story is going. I don't know if I want Brownie to stop on the way and visit places as in an initiatic journey or if I want her to be just arriving to the place as fast as possible and just work really hard on what she needs to do to solve her problems.
Maybe I'll go for a little bit of both but I'm not sure yet how to do that.

Anyway that was right the problem I needed to implement tip 4, enjoy!

To get more tips for the smart way of doing NaNoWriMo see here, for the crazy way, see here. And for your daily NaNo tip, check my youtube channel Mes crazy expériences.

Don't forget to have fun and see you next time.

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