Friday, November 4, 2016

NaNoWriMo 3rd day log, Tip #1 Win NaNoWriMo 100% guaranteed (with video)

I think I got a little bit crazy on this one. I'll try not to go crazy as much tomorrow but seriously though, if you want to win NaNoWriMo, you don't have to write the words on the deadline, you have to write them before the deadline. And to be dead serious if you don't have extra words in you pockets for the days when you can't physically write, and you've never been possessed by the crazy writing monster, then you're predominantly screwed. That being said there is always a way to turn everything I say around but I'm giving you the 100% guaranteed win version not the How to win NaNoWriMo: The unmotivated procrastinator version (tips and tricks) 

Anyway guys, have fun with your novel.

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