Friday, November 25, 2016

NaNoWriMo 22, 23 and 24th day log: Post NaNoWriMo Syndrome and Witches Tarot

So this is another over due update for NaNoWriMo and there is two main reasons for that (not including a suspicions of a small food poisoning with orange juice).

First, I think I fell into the post NaNoWriMo Syndrome and rested on my laurels for a bit. I guess this happen to a lot of people after reaching a goal. We just don't want to keep going because in a way, we already made it. I think it happens to me quite often and I finally figured it out so I'm going to be taking care of not falling for it again. When I reached my 50000 words, I actually reached my primary goal for the month, the goal all NaNoWriMo writers are running after and therefore it was a bit hard to get into the big picture (finishing the draft, rewriting, editing and publishing the novel) Because, I don't really have a deadline anymore or the NaNoWriMo induced motivation. Still after talking with a friend on twitter, I figured out that 50000 words wasn't my real goal, but more of a stepping stone. So yes, I'm back at trying to get 2500 words a day. I seriously want to do it until all the books I planed to write so far are done so fingers crossed on that.

Then the second point was that I didn't know what I was writing. My main character started to learn the tarot and I don't know much about tarot so I needed to do some research about it to be able to keep going, still reading on the internet didn't seem to cut it so I got myself the "Witches Tarot". I maybe should have started with a normal tarot deck but I thought that because my character is a witch it would be a lot better to use something sort of specifically designed for her, or at least for witches. Learning the tarot with my character is going to be a lot of fun. If you want some updates on the witch tarot please let me know too.

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