Thursday, October 6, 2016

Thursday Taster 116: Parallel Slip

Hello and welcome to a new Thursday Taster, the day when awesome writers all over the blogosphere come together to give you tasty bits of their last fiction. You can find the list here.
We start right where we left off last week.
I kept the door open for Tamara as Amy walked out. I wasn't letting her in my room. Not that I had anything to steal or hide but I just didn't feel comfortable with her. She walked out and I followed with my bag on my shoulder. She was much taller than me and I couldn't stop looking at her heels as she walked to the middle of Amy's room, expecting her to fall any second, which didn't happen.
Amy had more shoes than my mother. The thing is. I had been forbidden to ever walk on heels, black out forbid but my mother had her way on them and she would buy shoes all the time. We couldn't really get out of the house without shopping for shoes, unless we were going to the hospital. She had a closet full of them and Amy had a closet and extras hidden in the drawers under her bed. She had even unpacked them while her clothes were still in boxes. That was nuts.
"These would be perfect," she said standing up with a pair of red shoes decorated with black bows on the side. "And I have even a skirt to go with."
Tamara chuckled.
"I think I'll pass," I said.
They were looking a bit ridiculous. To which my mother would have said that they were absolutely gorgeous and would have had me try them on and then sighed deeply and added, "once you figure out how to stop your black out, I promise you we'll get you a decent pair of shoes." Then she would try four or five for herself and I would be dragged around.
I grabbed Amy's sneakers.
"Let me bring those, you'll thank me on the way back," I said.
"Tss, tss," Amy said taking them away and putting them back carefully between a pair of brown shoes and some flickers. "Don't you know that the best thing about getting back after a party is to have your painful feet helping you remember how much fun it was?"
"This girl is hopeless," Tamara added taking Amy's arm and I wondered if she talked to me about Amy or to Amy about me. Though I was sure there were no sneakers in her own bag.
I smiled at her without answering trying not to roll my eyes. All in all, the three of us barely knew each other and they were acting like we were all best friends, especially the two of them and I was watching feeling a bit lost. I didn't have much experience about friends but I was almost certain that this wan't really the way it should be.
I sat on Amy's bed as she kept looking for shoes that I declined to wear. There as no way to get me out of my shoes, they were supposed to save me, I was counting on them. That's when it stroke again. I felt the wall hit the back of my head as I fell backward on the bed. Nothing really painful, just the little of a knock.

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