Wednesday, August 10, 2016

Sample doll opening and review: Amarri (with video)

This new doll is called Amarri. She is a Pullip from 2010 so 6 years ago and for me she represent a sort of transition between the old model of dolls with more simple facial features and no blush to the more modern versions of pullip dolls with the more sophisticated blush and eye shadow.
Amarri has simple features around her eyes and simple eyebrows but at the same time, she has the new modern blush.
She is also the only doll with her type of felted hair. I kind of like the homemade look her hair and embroidered apron give her.
She comes with a barrette and a little cat plush.

Her quote is: I’m so adorable with my little doll. Please tell me a story… Feels Like So!

Here is the video.

ぱいーぐる、my eagle is introducing this video as I wasn't really inspired into a story for this doll. Thinking about it, I'm not sure how often I'll be able to have creative introductions.

And here are some pictures

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