Tuesday, August 9, 2016

Hibarichan's daily life: Pokemon go, Ueno Pond and Shinozaki firework (with video)

It has been a while since the last Hibarichan's daily life video. In this one, she is playing with some pokemons.
We went to the Ueno pond to catch some Magikarp as you need 400 to evolve one into a Gyarados and Ueno pond had a nest of Magikarp. It was easy to catch them as they appeared almost at every step. The park ext to the pond used to have electrical pokemon but I guess they already left when we made it there because we couldn't find any. 

On the travel end, visiting Ueno pond was a new experience even if I had already been to the park several times and to the zoo. In this season, the pond is covered with lotus plants and they are really huge as you can see in the video. I thought at first that they were water lilies but apparently not. They also have a temple there.
On the following week, we went to Shinozaki for the firework. In Japan, fireworks are huge summer events. The firework in Shinozaki is considered class 5 and it already last 90 minutes. We definitely don't have one of those in France. There were a lot of people and we walked to the next station to take the train because we didn't want to wait for the crowed to disperse. It worked and we could get a sit during the entire way home as well as catch some extra pokemons. 

Here is the video


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