Monday, August 29, 2016

Dolly Vlog Hop prompt #7: Bullies, Anxiety, Depression and Shame (with video)

This is Video number 7 of the Dolly Vlog Hop. The prompt for this week is a combination of a question from Angela Singletary (Omocha Crush) and Mahou Chronical:

What advice would you give to a person when someone calls them "weird" or "too old to play with dolls?" What should dollies owner that have anxiety/ depression do? when you maybe don't want to play with your dolls anymore or feel in shame to have them...

In this video, I explain that people who are not nice to you are better out of your life and that I wouldn't compromise with someone trying to judge a part of my life.
I give an explanation about shame and why you should get rid of it and I also explain what to do about your dolls when you have anxiety or depression. Please if you have anxiety and depression seek medical advises!

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Check out the other Vlog Hop participants.
For more information on the Vlog Hop and how to participate, check out the rules or ask me because I'm the one organizing.
If you want to participate by making videos, I'll give you the rules and the weekly question as well as an updated list of participants.
If you want the Dolly Vlog Hop to answer your question, just leave it in the comments and I'll add it to the list.
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